Thursday, 20 March 2014

Playing with Fire

Life is all about RISK TAKING. Have you ever been given an opportunity or came up with an idea but quickly dismissed it because you found some fault. Majority of you will think to yourself “Yes, all the time”. But have you ever stopped and taught to yourself why? Was it the fear of failing or being judged by others that stopped you? Well I want you to stop saying no and for once to say YES!!
Why say yes ……..
Imagine yourself achieving that goal. Be it big or small. Picture yourself completing, winning, that smile and most of all that feeling inside of you that says “you done it”.
Too afraid to start that weight loss challenge, always finding a reason to start tomorrow?? Why not dig up an old photo of yourself and stick it on your mirror. Every time you look at it motivate yourself to get back to that time. If you’re self-conscious of the gym Primark are selling cheap exercise equipment at the moment. Find a comfortable spot in your home and try the “30 Day Catching Fire Challenge” on YouTube. It is only a 12minute workout a day so will find time. Or find an exercise partner, I find myself that I workout quicker when I have someone to talk to.
Have you sat back and watched other colleagues take higher positions that you know would have better suited you?? Why not decide to go into the running for a new position instead of watching others. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Achieving is believing. Start dressing for the role you want. Build up contacts. Work that little bit harder. But most of all make sure you get them to notice you. There is no point trying if no one is watching. So remember smile and say hello someday that person could be an important influence in your life.
 Everyone dreams of travelling growing up. Whether it is to go to London for a shopping trip, Bali to volunteer or a J1 in America for the summer. The reason most people do not conquer these dreams and hop on that plane is down to money, commitments or just plain fear of the unknown. If your barrier is money why not get a part-time job? If that does not work for you volunteer for a charity. Although volunteer holidays are expensive. The money comes from fundraising so with a bit of determination you could achieve that dream. The only one stopping you from achieving your dreams is you. Don’t wake up in a few years full of regret. Life is too short so start living it.

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